How long is the trip?
How long is the flight?
The average flight time is 14 hours but this will vary on which flight we end up taking.
Which airport are we flying from?
This will be confirmed closer to the time but it will be one of the main London airports. UK departures will be from London and contact us for International options
Are the travel days flexible?
Due to the nature of the trip we need to keep the delegation together. If you have any specific needs please let us know and we will try to accommodate.
Are flights and accommodation included in the fundraising target
How long is the trip?
Yes they are but they are subject to you reaching your fundraising target.
Shall I exchange money before I travel?
You can if you wish but we will arrange for this to be facilitated on your first day of settling in.
What are the sleeping arrangements?
You will be staying in apartments that we will be renting. Each person will be staying in a room with one other attendee.
What if I can’t raise the target?
Raising the target is a prerequisite of the trip. As part of our background checks, we assess your ability to be able to reach your target. We also provide resources and advice as well as give you a lot of time, including Ramadan.
Do I need a visa to travel to Malawi?
Visas are obtained on arrival for British nationals.
What if I have to cancel taking part in the trip?
You would need to notify us as soon as possible. The registration fee would not be refunded. The funds raised would continue to go towards our charitable activities. However, we would need to avoid this action at all costs.
Do I need travel insurance?
iERA accepts no liability for any lost or damaged personal property or any medical treatment required. Please consult with your local scholar on this matter.
What is the minimum age requirement?
Age 16+ but must be accompanied by a paid Adult
How will we have contact with family while away?
Time will be allocated for you to go out and sim cards will be provided on arrival.
Can I extend my time?
This delegation requires all participants to return with the group as part of our risk assessment requirements.